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双相钢同时拥有铁素体和奥氏体结构,具有比普通奥氏体合金更为优异的力学性能和更加良好的抗应力腐蚀和抗缝隙腐蚀能力以及比铁素体不锈钢更为光滑的表面,尤其是在低温状态下。 双相钢的抗腐蚀性能主要取决于其化学成分,尤其是其铬,钼和镍的含量。
En |
S31803 |
QS2205 |
1.4462 |
X2CrNiMoN22-5-3 |
S32205 |
QS2205 |
1.4462 |
X2CrNiMoN22-5-3 |
S32304 |
S32750 |
1.4410 |
X2CrNiMoN25-7-4 |
S32760 |
| |
Note: PREN=Cr%+3.3×Mo%+16×N% |
抗拉强度 Min, Mpa |
屈服强度 Min, Mpa |
延伸率 in 2INCH. Or 50mm Min, % |
硬度 Max, HRC |
S31803 |
620 |
450 |
25 |
30 |
S32205 |
655 |
485 |
25 |
30 |
S32304 |
690 |
450 |
25 |
30 |
S32750 |
800 |
550 |
25 |
32 |
S32760 |
750 |
550 |
25 |
32 | |
Note: a represent OD equal to 1 INCH or Less |
ASTM A789/ASME SA789 Seamless and welded ferritic/austenitic stainless steel tubing for general service ASTM A790/ASME SA790 Seamless and welded ferritic/austenitic stainless steel pipe ASTM A312/ASME SA312 Seamless and welded austenitic stainless steel pipes ASTM A240 Standard Specification for Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Stainless Steel Plate, Sheet, and Strip for Pressure Vessels and for General Applications EN10216-5 Seamless steel tubes for pressure purposes - stainless steel tubes DIN17456 General purpose seamless circular stainless steel tubes - technical delivery conditions DIN17458 Seamless circular austenitic stainless steel tubes subject to special requirements – technical delivery conditions JIS G3459 Stainless steel pipes JIS G3463 Stainless steel boiler and heat-exchanger tubes GOST 9941 Seamless cold and warm deformed tubes of corrosion-resistant steel - specifications |
1.100% PMI检测/SPECTRO 化学成分分析 2.100%尺寸检验&100%表面检测 3.拉伸实验, 扩口实验(无缝不锈钢管),卷边实验(焊接不锈钢管),硬度试验,反向压扁实验(焊接不锈钢管) 4. 100%水压实验/100%无损检测
注意: 所有检测都需根据标准和测试结果提供检测报告 |
1.直线度测试 2.粗糙度实验 3.晶相实验 4.晶间腐蚀实验 5.低温冲击实验 |
1.材质单(根据EN10204/3.1或者EN10204 3.2要求提供材料检测证书) 2.原材料检测证书 3.根据订单和标准提供所有检测报告 4.热处理报告 5.装运前之装运通知 6 .质量保证函 | |
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